Thursday, August 21, 2008

tuna + acupuncture = great fish?

The president of Japan's Osakana Planning Co. told attendees of the Japanese Seafood Show in July that his tuna makes superior sushi because his company administers acupuncture to each fish prior to its death, in order to reduce stress.

The Times (London), 25 July 2008.




Dictionary.Com defines the following as:-

tu·na /ˈtunə, ˈtyu-/ [too-nuh, tyoo-]
–noun, plural (especially collectively) -na, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) -nas.
1. any of several large food and game fishes of the family Scombridae, inhabiting temperate and tropical seas.
2. any of various related fishes.
3. also called tuna fish. the flesh of the tuna, used as food.

ac·u·punc·ture [n. ak-yoo-puhngk-cher; v. ak-yoo-puhngk-cher, ak-yoo-puhngk-] noun, verb, -tured, -tur·ing.
1. a Chinese medical practice or procedure that treats illness or provides local anesthesia by the insertion of needles at specified sites of the body.
–verb (used with object)
2. to perform acupuncture on

The Wreck's Dictionary defines the above statements as full of &*#@. How weird can we get?

The rebellion will continue to hunt down weird news around this whacky world, until more crazy happenings, dezza!

Cookie Vikings

Legend speaks of the horror of the cookie vikings. I denied their existence for the many years of my life until the pangs of reality came to truth today. Gasp..the rumours were true. Legend exists.

Struggling to chronicle the horrors of the incident. I managed to recreate the image of the vicious marauders.

Although somewhat cartoonish, the real life marauders were vicious saliva dripping brats. Their fangs were the stuff of werewolves and their weapons were weird grins and hidden clubs. They left all kinds of damage and carnage in their wake. Barely able to conceal my own treasure trove of cookies, I was left at their immediate mercy as they plundered at will. Chuckling as they dumped wrappers of their spoils in my own bin, I could not bring myself to comprehend the monstrosity and primeval rage. Happily making their way onto the next village of smiles, I could only hug my fragile state while trembling at the recoil of the attack.

The horror of the raid will live in infamy and annals of "suckness" and retribution will be swift. Sitting in my "Stephen Hawking" likeness, plotting my revenge could not have been more fun. What I had with envisioned pitiless rage would even make Hannibal Lecter cringe in fright squealing like a little girl.

As I recuperate from the dreadful aftermath, the attack has severely crippled my resources for the upcoming difficult days ahead. I fear that the end may be near for the office realm. It didin't use to be like this. There used to be camaraderie and holding hands singing hippie songs and sharing of food. Slowly building my army from scratch despite the scarcity of resources, I vow to finally take over and steal what is mine back from the very bellies of the beasts.

I will have my revenge and gloat as I munch on their precious cookies myself. I can already envision my victorious stance over the crying and wailings of the to-be pathetic vikings.

Now, time to light the lamps of deviousness as I contemplate revenge! Until the next postings if I survive, dezza!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

the egg

I used to remember my grandmother lecturing me in the old kitchen filled with rich fumes. Aromas of soup and other herbs which I could never differentiate form a root. She used to teach me how to determine if an egg is fresh or hard boiled. Solution - just spin the egg. If it wobbles, it's raw. If it spins easily, it's hard boiled.

Now the really interesting lesson was, a fresh egg will sink in water, a stale one will float. So how does one root out a stinker in life?

What happens when fresh ideas don't greet you in the morning? What happens when you find it hard to drag yourself out of bed?

How do you identify the staleness of life when everything does not float?

There comes a time in life when you are faced with questions, innate hurdles that keep you constantly wondering when will the pain end and you start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Life is funny in the sense that some people think that life has a quirky way of working itself out. Others preach motivational outlooks at life. Think positive recite this mantra and you will succeed at your personal obstacles. Some declare that by letting it all go in drinks and karaoke once in a while is a healer. And even some who believe that a balanced life and healthy activities is the solution.

The answer does not lie in simple go to solutions. Rather in the short span of life, what I have come to discover is that people always look for conviction/s to believe in. Some higher order that determines the direction their boat heads to. There is a pillar that sustains their belief and that pillar keeps people going every single day. Fascinating at the complexity of the web that people spin. Some create too many tangles that they see psychiatrists. Some leave it one day at a time and are proclaimed loafers.

What I personally feel is that people are looking for a cause to live for. For a reason beyond the simple smiles and normal routines. They convince themselves that whatever they do is for the better tomorrow or even satisfaction an hour later. Working hard for a brand new car, a better life. Staying home to have more time for the family. There has been countless books of making the most of each day and even more about positive thinking.

What i say is that life is more than the Xs and Os. Life is not an equation that measures how strong your conviction is and how disciplines you are in achieving the end goal. For who knows what the actual end goal you desire is? Who would know that what you are doing is merely convincing yourself everything is fine and that the world is dandy.

Then, we look at the telly/tube and we see poor kids in Africa. We feel there is more to life. Suddenly that lack of materials and survival makes us reflect and be glad and want to make a difference. Then the vicious cycle repeats again and again.

That is the real stinker. Look for what you really want. Thats what really counts. Would you blast music at your cubicle right now because you felt like it? Would you jump up and dance after 30 minutes at work? So what is it that you really want?

Live life today sounds fine but if you continue to deceive yourself, it ain't worth it. Not that I'm saying you should quit your job now and start doing whatever you wish. I'm just saying that life is more than all the motivational talk and you should probably stop for a moment and think what the stinker in your life is. Me, I just figured mine out.

Dezza with the rebellion!

By the way, I've just been given a cool nick of "the wreck" by economic buddy "bola". All for the rebellion!