Thursday, August 21, 2008

tuna + acupuncture = great fish?

The president of Japan's Osakana Planning Co. told attendees of the Japanese Seafood Show in July that his tuna makes superior sushi because his company administers acupuncture to each fish prior to its death, in order to reduce stress.

The Times (London), 25 July 2008.




Dictionary.Com defines the following as:-

tu·na /ˈtunə, ˈtyu-/ [too-nuh, tyoo-]
–noun, plural (especially collectively) -na, (especially referring to two or more kinds or species) -nas.
1. any of several large food and game fishes of the family Scombridae, inhabiting temperate and tropical seas.
2. any of various related fishes.
3. also called tuna fish. the flesh of the tuna, used as food.

ac·u·punc·ture [n. ak-yoo-puhngk-cher; v. ak-yoo-puhngk-cher, ak-yoo-puhngk-] noun, verb, -tured, -tur·ing.
1. a Chinese medical practice or procedure that treats illness or provides local anesthesia by the insertion of needles at specified sites of the body.
–verb (used with object)
2. to perform acupuncture on

The Wreck's Dictionary defines the above statements as full of &*#@. How weird can we get?

The rebellion will continue to hunt down weird news around this whacky world, until more crazy happenings, dezza!

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