Sunday, July 6, 2008

Demystifying the logic of the male psyche

999 Pranksters

1st Quarter 2008 figures for crank calls (mil)

Jan 1.85

Feb 1.51

Mar 1.47

Apr 1.34

Who are the crank callers? (April statistics)

Children below 12 years 39%

Male adults 44%

Female adult 2%

Teens (13-18 yrs) 15%

Type of calls and percentage

Nuisance calls 59%

Obscene calls 26%

Silent calls 12%

Calls from mentally disturbed 3%

98% of calls constitute prank calls

*Attributed to The Star Graphics 2008

For all who seek to de-mystify the way a male mind works and operates, look no further than the graph above published in the Star, dated 7 July 2008, Malaysia's leading newspaper publisher and carrier of much much more than political disputes and more degrading news of the Malaysian political arena.

Listed more devious than the tormenting children of age 12 and below, surely the male population of our nation has crafted a new edge to the "Malaysian Boleh!!" spirit with new insights into how low can we deplore at the social ladder of the world.

Already notorious for obscene adherence and a seemingly glaring weakness for the abuse of our "freedom", we just cannot seem to avoid proving a point with every act of notoriety and social mortification in the eyes of the world. As all eyes are focused on the blog atmosphere which has gone on strike against the continuing saga of Malaysian political humiliation, let us again contemplate as social activists continue to fight for more governmental "care" over hiking petrol prices and the political powers that be debate over whose"a**es" are to blame, that we as Malaysians should wear our hearts and more importantly our civic minds on our sleeves.

Perhaps the 999 dial call of one number for one nation should also exude its meaning amongst the masses that there is indeed a need for a call of emergency now that people have to stop pointing their fingers at others and perhaps just maybe think about the other Malaysian that could be on the other line awaiting for help, or your neighbour needing an empty seat in the lrt or even that car that waited patiently in line while you whiz your way along the emergency line to the front.

Until the next Pokopenian Rebellion post, deeza!

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