Thursday, July 24, 2008

of aliens and the bizarre

Former NASA astronaut and moon-walker Dr Edgar Mitchell - a veteran of the Apollo 14 mission - has stunningly claimed aliens exist.

And he says extra-terrestrials have visited Earth on several occasions - but the alien contact has been repeatedly covered up by governments for six decades.

Dr Mitchell, 77, said during a radio interview that sources at the space agency who had had contact with aliens described the beings as 'little people who look strange to us.'

He said supposedly real-life ET's were similar to the traditional image of a small frame, large eyes and head.

Chillingly, he claimed our technology is "not nearly as sophisticated" as theirs and "had they been hostile", he warned "we would be been gone by now".

As bizarre as the whole fact may seem, we have more serious threats than the possibility of alien abduction or extraterrestrial threats (at least for me that is). Yesterday while dragging my way back to my condo and awaiting the ever tardy lift to descend, I encountered the most bizarre (don't think this exactly tops the alien claims though) experience in all 24 years of my breathing space on planet earth. Stumbling into the lift after another grueling day at the slave centre, I celebrated my triumphant escape from Alcatraz only to be led on into a trap - more of a box that moves. To my surprise, I encountered a group of "aquas" or ladymen to the uninitiated. My good friend "Gnei" and "Van Halen" mocking and taunting me appeared in flashbacks as I gripped onto myself in anticipation of horror ahead.

All was fine until floor 2 and when the first remark started from Mr. I-am-not-sexy-but-want-to-flaunt-it on my skin (to those who have met me in the flesh would get the drift) and questions on whether I was a Chinese mainlander. Then the horde descended as one as my fragile mind fled in terror. Hallucinations of them gang-banging me and the craziness of youth crept at such a horrifying pace. The panic button started going manic when the whole she-bang got off at the same floor. How come we shared a same floor and only now this had to happen??? Slowly I crept in a rendition of Stephen Hawkings hoping to turn the whole party of marauding suspicious group off.

Another she-male made a few remarks of how they would love to have my skin that kinda set the trigger off on the whole affair as I could feel the temptation of my knees buckling under it all. The constant smirks and smiles were getting to me a bit.

Before all hell broke loose and more scenes from Shawshank Redemption became reality, they politely bade me goodbye although my fingers were literally shaking from protecting the family jewels and my crack. Yes, it was a sudden letdown and blow of steam after all the highlights. All in all it was a bizarre yet pleasant conversation with people and this goes yet again to prove that not all flicks are bound in reality and that you too can strike a pleasant conversation with anything or the bizarre.

Heres to the next rebellion, dezza!

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