Thursday, July 10, 2008

i am more than a dot on a bell graph..

sadly i have recently been informed that I will not be promoted eventhough I met the required criterias, eventhough I worked my butt off, eventhough I shed blood and tears for the organisation, eventhough I was recommended for promotion, all the organisation did was shove the middle finger between the pinkie and the index right back at me.

And all this because I did not stand out in a bell seems if you are not a deviation above the charts that indicates performing above the exceptional level expected of an executive then you will have to park your a$$ right where you are until some major miracles grants you a lifeline. Talk about double jeopardy when at the same time, you are expected to do everything else except roll dead in order to exist.

The Kubler-Ross model or rather more famously known as the five stages of grief was the mere epitome of a normal sane humans acceptance of death and sadness as my inner mind defied all reality and norm, my mind (in exact order) raced past denial, dwelled on anger, skipped bargaining, toggled with depression and totally ignored acceptance. All in 5 minutes. Talk about busting myths and solving crimes, my Sherlock Holmes cap flew by as Hannibal Lecter's mask was merely within grasp before I questioned the necessity of all these drama. Dropping my pick axe and calmly recollecting what was left of my sanity, I hid away in the depths of Mt. Doom (home) and contemplated the situation at hand (Nope, didin't run any situational analysis or theorems. Did decorate my cave/lair drawings of hatred and conceptualisation of voodoo dolls inthough)

When the tornado blew past, I knew I still at least could rationalise right and wrong and still shove a middle finger salute right back as gratitude. I could go on about how cruel and bleak the world is, but truth of the matter remains that I should always be contented about how things work out and comfort myself that God works in mysterious ways. True, true and true. (At least I still had a job when 80,000 just lost theirs in the US last week)

However, the one fact I could never overcome was the bizarre truth that I simply didin't make the grade all due to not being an anomaly in a mundane world of fools. And to cap it off, heres my salute to the appreciation of the organisation!

Till the next ramblings of the rebellion, dezza!

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